Mopa Trek & Safaris

Mount Kilimanjaro Marangu Route

5 Days Marangu Route Trek + 2 nights in Arusha/Moshi


The Marangu Route is also known as the “Tourist Route” and the “Coca-Cola Route.” This is because Marangu is the most popular route on the mountain, and thus is considered “touristy”, and because the route is the only one that offers sleeping huts, which serve beverages like Coca-Cola, on the way.

Day 0: ARUSHA, Arrival day

On your arrival at Kilimanjaro international airport (JRO), you will meet our representative who will drive you to a reserved lodge in Arusha, Moshi or near the airport where he will brief you of the trekking program and make sure that you are ready to conquor Africa’s highest mountain.

Day 1: Arusha – Marangu Gate – Mandara Hut (8,875 ft)

Early breakfast at the lodge in Arusha then drive to your starting gate where you enter Kilimanjaro National Park and start your climb. This day’s trek takes 4-5 hours through tropical rainforest to reach Mandara Hut.

Day 2: Mandara Hut – Horombo Hut (12,201 ft)

Your second day on the mountain starts with a fairly steep climb through the last of the rainforest up to alpine meadows dotted with giant heather. Further on, the environment changes to open heath with stunted vegetation before opening out to bleak moorland.

Today you will gain approximately 1,000m in altitude, so walk slowly in order to acclimatize properly. It is normally a 6-7 hour hike to reach Horombo Hut.

Day 3: Horombo Hut – Kibo Hut (15,463 ft)

The terrain now becomes progressively more rocky and rugged and giant groundsels and lobelias make their appearance. The trail skirts MawenziPeak , before crossing a stark, almost lunar landscape and the tundra desert of ‘the saddle”. The hike to Kibo Hut takes anything from 5 to 7 hours and the views from the saddle are breathtaking. Make this an early night – your attempt on Uhuru Peak starts at midnight.

Day 4: Kibo Hut – Summit (19,340 ft) – Horombo Hut (12,201 ft)

Soon after midnight, you will be awakened by your guides to start the zigzag trek up a long scree slope. After roughly two hours you should reach Hans Meyer’s Cave and from here the gradient gets steeper. Continue your climb for approximately another 3 hours to Gilman’s Point and you will be rewarded by the dramatic sight of the rising sun reflecting off the ice fields and craggy peaks of Mawenzi.

Walk along the crater rim for another couple of hours to reach your goal – Uhuru Peak, towering at 19,340 ft. After congratulating yourself and your companions on this great achievement, descend to Kibo Hut for rest and refreshment before continuing to Horombo Hut for your last night on the mountain.

Day 5: Horombo Hut – Marangu Gate

After a leisurely breakfast, make your final descent across the alpine meadow, past Mandara Hut and on down through the rainforest to Marangu Gate, where your driver and vehicle will be waiting to transfer you back to Arusha, Moshi or near Kilimanjaro International Airport where you will dine and spend the night in a reserved lodge.

Day 0: Departure or extend to safari/Zanzibar

Depending on your schedule, you will be transferred to airport of continue with safari with our safari team.

Price per person based on two persons group = $1525

note: this price is dependent on the group size and composition
“the larger the group the lower the price per person”

Booking Form

    Included In The Price:

    • Transfers (pick up from the airport to the hotel during your arrival, and transfer to the airport during your departure).
    • Accommodations before and after the trek (FB).
    • Park entrance/Camping fees.
    • Transfers from base hotel to the park entrance gate and come back.
    • Food; 3 meals per day, breakfast, lunch and dinner (All meals are hot).
    • Water for drinking.
    • Professional and Experience Mountain Guide who have qualified in wilderness (ratio 3 clients for 2 guides).
    • First aid responder (WFR).
    • Water proof tents.
    • Oxygen tank.
    • Good number of porters.
    • Cook.
    • Pulse oxymeter, stetescope.
    • Hot water every day for washing.
    • Salaries to the Guides, cooks and porters

    Excluded from the price

    • Tipping for the trekking crew; guides, the cook and porters
    • All items of personal nature such as sun cream, sunglasses, clothing and electrical devices.